Browse Words

Menu option: Search > Search > Browse Words

Click Browse Words... in the search dialog box to see how dtSearch matches words in your search request with words in the index, using any combination of wildcards and fuzzy, phonic, stemming, or thesaurus search options.  To see a list of matching words:

1.   Type in the word you want to look up.  The word can contain the wildcards * or ?.

2.   Choose an index.

3.   Select search features (see below).

4.   Click Lookup...

Search Features

Stemming searches grammatical variations of the words in your search request.  For example, with stemming enabled a search for apply would also find applies.

Phonic search finds words that sound similar to words in your request, like Smith and Smythe.

Fuzzy search sifts through scanning and typographical errors.  Fuzziness adjusts from 1 to 10 depending on the degree of misspellings.  (Try starting with 3.)

Synonym search tells dtSearch to use a thesaurus to find synonyms of words in your search request.  dtSearch provides three ways to perform synonym searching:

     Check the User thesaurus box to find synonyms that you have defined in your own thesaurus.

     Check the WordNet thesaurus box to find synonyms using the WordNet concept network included with dtSearch.

     Check the WordNet related words box to find related words from the WordNet concept network. 

To save the list of words in a file, click Save list.