Search Options

Menu option: Options > Preferences > Search options

Search dialog box font
Use the Search dialog box font setting to change the font in the search dialog box to a font different from your system default.   For example, you may want to use the Arial Unicode MS font (included with Microsoft Office) so that you can search for words in languages that your default system font cannot display.   To change one of the fonts, un-check the Use default box and then click the Choose Font... button to select a font.

Auto-complete search terms
Check this box to have dtSearch automatically complete your search terms as you enter a search request.  When you press SPACE, dtSearch will find the word in the index that starts with the letters you have typed so far, and insert that word in the search request.  For example, you could type "examp" and a space and dtSearch would insert "example" in your search request.   With this setting off, you can still auto-complete search terms by pressing Shift-SPACE.

Index List

Show index finder
The index finder lets you select indexes from the list by typing part of the name.  To use "find indexes", in the Search dialog box press Ctrl+F and type any part of an index name. As you type the index list will update to only show matching index names. You can also use the * and ? wildcard characters to find indexes using wildcard matches.
Press Ctrl+Q to quickly check only the first listed index and return to the search request box, or press ENTER to just return to the search request box.

Index Groups
Index groups provide a way to organize your indexes in the Search dialog box to make very large numbers of indexes easier to manage.

If you check the Show indexes by group option, dtSearch will group related indexes in the Search dialog box.  When groups are enabled, if an index name contains a colon, then the part before the colon is considered to be the group. For example, if an index is named "Business: Records", then the group is "Business". In the Search dialog box, "Records" would appear under a collapsible "Business" group heading.