Virtual Directories

When users access your web site through a web server, they do not see the same folders and files that you would see in Explorer. Instead, they see "virtual" folders with names like "/Scripts" or "/Docs" that you map to folders on your hard disk when you set up your web server.

Virtual folders (also called virtual roots, virtual paths, or virtual directories) are the names of folders that you decide to publish on your site. For example, if your site is and you decide to publish c:\website\docs on your hard disk as "/Docs", then users accessing that folder would go to The local path is c:\website\docs, and the virtual path is /Docs.

To set up a virtual folder using Internet Information Server, right-click on the web site entry in IIS. (It will usually be called "Default Web Site" unless you have renamed it.) Select New > Virtual Directory and enter the name and location of the virtual directory that you want to create.

Note: After you have created a new virtual directory, run the dtSearch Web Setup program again so that dtSearch Web will know about the new directories. (You do not have to do anything in dtSearch Web Setup -- just open the program and then close it again.)