Publishing (Overview)

dtSearch Publish provides an easy way to publish documents on a CD, DVD, or other portable media, using a browser-based user interface so users can access the content as they would access a web site. dtSearch Publish uses the same search components and templates as dtSearch Web, so the search forms and customization options look exactly the same as for dtSearch Web running on a web server.

Note: a dtSearch Publish distribution license is required before media containing dtSearch components can be distributed to users.

Some advantages of a browser-based user interface are: it provides high-quality display of HTML files, so web sites will appear just as they do on the original site; it can be customized simply by changing some HTML files; it is easy for customers to use; and no software has to be installed on the user's hard disk to access the content.

As with dtSearch Web, PDF and HTML files are displayed exactly as they would appear in a web browser, but with hits highlighted. Other file types are converted to HTML with hits highlighted for display in the browser. To use a CD or other media created with the CD Wizard, the user needs to have Windows 10 or newer and, for viewing PDF files, Adobe Reader. To enable hit highlighting in PDF files, the user will need a compatible PDF viewer and may need a plug-in. For more information, please see "PDF viewers that support highlighting hits".

Note: While this manual refers to publishing to "CD", the content can be located on any type of media that is accessible through the file system, including DVDs, flash drives, USB drives, internal drives, etc.

For step-by-step instructions to create a CD from your documents, see Using the CD Wizard .

For detailed technical information about how the CD software works, see:

CD Types

Standard CDs