dtSearch Engine API for Java
SearchResults.getDocDetailItem Method
public String getDocDetailItem(String whichItem);

Provides access to detailed information about the retrieved document in the DocDetails string. For example, getDocDetailItem("UserField") would return the contents of a field named "UserField". 

Predefined fields have an underscore (_) in front of the field name. User-defined fields stored in an index using the StoredFields property of an IndexJob follow the predefined fields and do not have an underscore prefix. 

The predefined fields are: 


  • _filename: full path name of the document.
  • _displayName: if non-blank, an alternative name to display for the document (for example, the title of an HTML document).
  • _title: the first 80 characters of the document.
  • _score: in a natural language search, the weighted score for the document.
  • _hitcount: number of hits found for this document.
  • _size: size of the document when indexed, in bytes.
  • _wordcount: number of words in the document when indexed.
  • _date: modification date of the document when indexed, in local date format.
  • _genericDate: modification date of the document when indexed, in generic date format (M03/D25/Y1997).
  • _time: modification time of the document in HH:MM:SS format.
  • _iindex: the index that the document was retrieved from (an index into the list in the IndexesToSearch list in the SearchJob).
  • _indexPath: path of the index that the document was retrieved from.
  • _docid: the document id for this document.