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dtSearch .NET Standard API 2024.02
dtSearch.Engine.IndexingFlags Enumeration
Reindex a document even if the modification date and size are unchanged.
Check for sufficient disk space before indexing. In the C++ API only, this flag will cause a dtsAskDiskFullOverride message to be sent through the error handler callback (dtsErrorHandler.pNotifyFn) giving the calling application the option to cancel the update.
Can be used in indexingFlags instead of the createFlags
Create an accent-sensitive index.
Use relative rather than absolute paths in storing document locations.
Compress and store the text of documents in the index, for use in generating Search Reports and highlighting hits. (This flag must be set when an index is created.) See Caching documents.
Compress and store documents in the index, for use in generating Search Reports and highlighting hits. (This flag must be set when an index is created.) See Caching documents.
Obsolete -- version 6 indexes are no longer supported
When text caching is enabled, do not cache any fields that were provided through the data source API. See Caching documents.
Preserve existing document ids following a compression of an index or a merge of two or more indexes.
Use Options.StoredFieldDelimiterChar to tokenize enumerable fields into separate values when indexing. For example, if StoredFieldDelimiterChar is '|' and the SampleField contains the value "First|Second|Third", the indexer will create three separate enumerable field instances for SampleField in the document, "First", "Second", and "Third", instead of a single instance containing "First|Second|Third". Because StoredFieldDelimiterChar is used to delimit multiple instances of the same field in a document, the same result will occur if the document contains three separate instances of SampleField, containing "First", "Second", and "Third".
Convert enumerable fields to lower case
Enable automatically-generated enumerable fields
Create an index with optional accent sensitivity (ICU integration required)
If an index was created with the dtsIndexCreateOptionalAccentSensitive, then at search time accents in search requests can be either required for a match or ignored. Set dtsSearchRequireAccents to make accents required.
In an accents-optional index, accented letters can be made significant for matching purposes, but unaccented letters will still always match both accented and unaccented forms.
For example, a search for "abc" will find both "abc" and "äbc". A search for "äbc" will find different results depending on whether the flag dtsSearchRequireAccents is set in the SearchJob. If dtsSearchRequireAccents is set, then "äbc" and will match "äbc" and will not match "abc". If dtsSearchRequireAccents is not set, then "äbc" will match both "äbc" and "abc".
ICU integration is required for dtsIndexCreateOptionalAccentSensitive to work.
Preserve the existing settings in an index when clearing it before updating.
Normally when an index is updated with ActionCreate=true in the IndexJob, the settings in the index (noise word lists, alphabet files, ICU version if any) are updated to the current settings.
If the index already exists, and you want to clear it without modifying the settings that were originally used to create the index, set the flag dtsIndexCreatePreserveExistingSettings to tell dtSearch to read the settings currently in the index and preserve them when clearing the index.
Do not follow symbolic links, junction points, etc. when indexing.

Values for indexing flags in dtsIndexJob

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