dtSearch .NET Standard API 2025.01
dtSearch.Engine.TextFlags Enumeration
By default, dtSearch indexes numbers both as text and as numeric values, which is necessary for numeric range searching. Use this flag to suppress indexing of numeric values in applications that do not require numeric range searching. This setting can reduce the size of the index by about 20%.
Suppress automatic generation of xfirstword and xlastword. By default, xfirstword is defined to be the first word in each document, and xlastword is defined to be the last word in each document. These words are generated when an index is created, so this flag must be set during indexing to suppress xlastword and xfirstword.
Automatically recognize dates, email addresses, and credit card numbers in text as it is indexed. See Recognition of dates, email addresses, and credit card numbers.
Presume DD/MM/YY format for dates (default is MM/DD/YY). See Recognition of dates, email addresses, and credit card numbers.
Presume YY/MM/DD format for dates (default is MM/DD/YY). See Recognition of dates, email addresses, and credit card numbers.
Automatically insert a word break around characters in the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Unicode ranges. This makes it possible to search text in documents that do not contain word breaks. Like the hyphenation setting, this setting is kept in the alphabet for an index and so will only change when an index is created. See Alphabet Settings.
Index XML files as text, without applying field attributes to the content.
Index database files (*.dbf, *.csv, *.mdb, and *.accdb) as text, without applying field attributes to the content or separating rows into separate documents.
Remove strikeout text and redlining from Microsoft Word documents edited using "Track Changes".
Skip navigation sections of HTML files (<nav>...</nav>)
Ignore BeginNoIndex and EndNoIndex tags in HTML
Use internal message date as file date for standalone .eml and .msg files
Enable use of ICU for Unicode processing. See "ICU Integration" for more information.

Values for Options.TextFlags (.NET), Options.setTextFlags() (Java), and dtsOptions.textFlags (C++)