Searching using dtSearch Web
dtSearch Web is a web server-based version of dtSearch. You can use dtSearch Desktop to search indexes on a dtSearch Web server, if the server administrator has set up the indexes to be accessible this way.
To access dtSearch Web indexes using dtSearch Desktop,
1. Open your web browser and go to the search form for the web site that you want to access.
2. Look for a Get index library link on the search form and click on it. If the link is not there, the administrator who set up dtSearch Web on the server did not make the indexes accessible through dtSearch Desktop.
3. When you click on the link, your browser will download a small text file named dtSearchWeb.ilb. Save this file anywhere and open it by clicking on it in Windows Explorer.
4. dtSearch Desktop will open and the indexes provided by the server will be listed in the Search dialog box with "(web)" next to them.
Once you have done this, your list of indexes in dtSearch will include the dtSearch Web indexes. To search the indexes, select them in the Search dialog box along with any other indexes that you want to search. To remove some of the indexes, or to rename them in your index library, use Index Manager.
Searches using dtSearch Web indexes will be similar to searching using local indexes, with a few differences. Because the index is located on a web server, the scrolling list of index words will be blank when you select a dtSearch Web index. When you click on a document in search results, the method used to highlight hits in the document will be determined by the web server, so any customizations you have done using the Display Options dialog box will not appear.