File: dtsearch.h
enum SearchFlags {
dtsSearchFuzzy = 0x0001,
dtsSearchPhonic = 0x0002,
dtsSearchStemming = 0x0004,
dtsSearchNatural = 0x0008,
dtsSearchSynonyms = 0x0010,
dtsSearchUserSynonyms = 0x0020,
dtsSearchWordNetSynonyms = 0x0040,
dtsSearchWordNetRelated = 0x0080,
dtsSearchAllSynonyms = 0x00f0,
dtsSearchWantHitsByWord = 0x0100,
dtsWlbListFields = 0x0100,
dtsSearchWantHitsArray = 0x0800,
dtsSearchDelayDocInfo = 0x1000,
dtsSearchExternalSynonyms = 0x2000,
dtsSearchWantHitDetails = 0x8000,
dtsSearchAutoTermWeight = 0x10000,
dtsSearchTypeAllWords = 0x20000,
dtsSearchTypeAnyWords = 0x40000,
dtsSearchSelectMostRecent = 0x080000,
dtsSearchPositionalScoring = 0x100000,
dtsSearchApplyLanguageAnalyzer = 0x200000,
dtsSearchLanguageAnalyzerSynonyms = 0x400000,
dtsSearchFastSearchFilterOnly = 0x800000,
dtsSearchWantHitsByWordOrdinals = 0x1000000,
dtsSearchRequireAccents = 0x2000000,
dtsSearchHyphenSignificant = 0x8000000,
dtsSearchWantHitDetailsSynonymOf = 0x10000000
Members |
Description |
dtsSearchFuzzy = 0x0001 |
Enable fuzzy searching for all words in the search request. |
dtsSearchPhonic = 0x0002 |
Enable phonic searching for all words in the search request |
dtsSearchStemming = 0x0004 |
Enable stemming for all words in the search request |
dtsSearchNatural = 0x0008 |
Equivalent to dtsSearchTypeAnyWords | dtsSearchAutoTermWeight | dtsSearchPositionalScoring. |
dtsSearchSynonyms = 0x0010 |
Enable synonym expansion. See Synonym search settings. Use one or more of the flags dtsSearchUserSynonyms, dtsSearchWordNetSynonyms, or dtsSearchWordNetRelated to specify the type of synonym expansion to perform. |
dtsSearchUserSynonyms = 0x0020 |
Enable synonym expansion using user-defined synonyms. See Synonym search settings. This flag must be used in combination with dtsSearchSynonyms to enable synonym searching. |
dtsSearchWordNetSynonyms = 0x0040 |
Enable synonym expansion using WordNet related words. See Synonym search settings. This flag must be used in combination with dtsSearchSynonyms to enable synonym searching. |
dtsSearchWordNetRelated = 0x0080 |
Enable synonym expansion using WordNet synonyms. See Synonym search settings. This flag must be used in combination with dtsSearchSynonyms to enable synonym searching. |
dtsSearchAllSynonyms = 0x00f0 |
Combines all synonym flags |
dtsSearchWantHitsByWord = 0x0100 |
Request a list of the words that were matched in each document. See dtsSearchWantHitsByWord in the Overviews section. This flag must be used in combination with dtsSearchSynonyms to enable synonym searching. |
dtsWlbListFields = 0x0100 |
In dtsWordListBuilder, include field names in the output. |
dtsSearchWantHitsArray = 0x0800 |
Adds word offsets of individual hits to the hits by word report. See dtsSearchWantHitsByWord in the Overviews section. |
dtsSearchDelayDocInfo = 0x1000 |
Optimize search by waiting until document records are requested through a search results object before reading them from the index. See dtsSearchDelayDocInfo in the Overviews section. |
dtsSearchExternalSynonyms = 0x2000 |
Enable synonym expansion using an external thesaurus. See Synonym search settings. |
dtsSearchWantHitDetails = 0x8000 |
Request detailed information about the words that generated each hit associated with an item in search results. See dtsSearchWantHitDetails in the Overviews section. |
dtsSearchAutoTermWeight = 0x10000 | |
dtsSearchTypeAllWords = 0x20000 |
Find all of the words in the search request. See "All words" and "Any words" Searches in the Overviews section. |
dtsSearchTypeAnyWords = 0x40000 |
Find any of the words in the search request. See "All words" and "Any words" Searches in the Overviews section. |
dtsSearchSelectMostRecent = 0x080000 |
When selecting the documents to return (up to the MaxFilesToRetrieve limit in the SearchJob), select the most recent documents rather than the best-matching documents. This flag cannot be used with dtsSearchDelayDocInfo, because the document date for each document is needed. |
dtsSearchPositionalScoring = 0x100000 | |
dtsSearchApplyLanguageAnalyzer = 0x200000 |
Apply Language Analyzer to search request, if this application uses an external language analyzer (see Language Analyzer API) |
dtsSearchLanguageAnalyzerSynonyms = 0x400000 |
Use Language Analyzer to generate synonyms from terms in search request, if this application uses an external language analyzer (see Language Analyzer API) |
dtsSearchFastSearchFilterOnly = 0x800000 |
When SearchJob.WantResultsAsFilter is true, only output search results information to the output search filter and do not create a SearchResults object or call the OnFound callback function when documents are found. This can make generation of a SearchFilter significantly faster. |
dtsSearchWantHitsByWordOrdinals = 0x1000000 |
Add ordinals to the dtsSearchWantHitsByWord output associating each term with a consistent integer value. This provides information needed when highlighting hits in multiple colors using dtsConvertMultiHighlight to make the mapping between search terms and colors consistent among all documents in search results. |
dtsSearchRequireAccents = 0x2000000 |
Require diacriticals to match when searching for words in an accent-optional index. |
dtsSearchHyphenSignificant = 0x8000000 |
In searches of indexes with the dtsoHyphenAll setting, treat hyphens as significant in search terms (so "abc-def" will not find "abc def") |
dtsSearchWantHitDetailsSynonymOf = 0x10000000 |
In the hits by word report, include SynonymOf= to indicate the source term for synonym expansions. |
Flags to control searches