Modifying a Search Results Item

When you click Add... or Modify... in the Search Results tab of the Form Builder, you can specify the content of an item to appear in search results.

The name of the item. This name is only used in the list of items in the Search Results tab and is not displayed in search results.

Label to appear in search results
This label is any HTML that you want to appear in front of the item. For example <B>Date:</B> would put Date: in front of the field.

This is the information about the document that you want to appear in search results. The following pre-defined fields can be used:




Hit count


Name of the retrieved document


Path to the retrieved document


Modification date of the document


Size of the document


Brief segment of text showing the first few hits in context


Text from the first few lines of the document, or the TITLE of an HTML document

Additionally, if you have stored user-defined fields in the index, you can insert these as well. For example, if you set up a stored field named "Subject", put %%Subject%% in the Content to insert the value of this field for each document.

Link properties
Select the type of link to insert for this search results item, if any.