Search results format

The Search Results tab in the Form Builder lets you change the way dtSearch displays the results of a search.

Items to include in search results list
Add or remove items that will appear in search results. To remove an item on the list, un-check the box next to it. Click the Add... button to add a new item. For each item, you can use Modify... to customize the way it appears in search results.

Search results header
Search results footer

This is the HTML that appears at the top and bottom of the search results list. You can modify it to change the way search results appear. The header and footer can contain the following special codes:




The search request that the user entered.


The number of documents retrieved.


In search results, the total number of hits in all files. For a document, the number of hits in the document.

Display the PDF Title as the filename for PDF files
PDF files have a "Title" attribute that is usually more readable than the filename. Check this box to make the Title appear in search results instead of the filename.

Display the HTML <TITLE> as the filename for HTML files
HTML files also have a title, included between <TITLE> and </TITLE> tags in the file, that is often more readable than the filename. Check this box to make the HTML title appear in search results instead of the filename for HTML files.

Remove scripts from HTML files when highlighting hits
HTML files often contain JavaScript code that may not work properly when the file is displayed outside of its usual context. For example, the JavaScript may refer to documents or objects that would appear in another frame. Check this option to have dtSearch remove any JavaScript it finds in an HTML file when highlighting hits. (The original HTML file will be unaffected. This option only affects what dtSearch Web will display when highlighting hits in an HTML file returned after a search.)

Highlight hits in documents indexed using the Spider
Check this box to enable highlighting of hits in documents that were indexed using the Spider. To make hit highlighting faster, create your index with the "Cache original documents" option enabled.

Use HTTP proxy
When highlighting documents indexed using the Spider, dtSearch Web must download a local copy of the file (unless the index was created with caching of original documents enabled). Check the "Use HTTP Proxy" box, and supply the URL of the proxy server to use, if dtSearch Web should use a proxy server when downloading web pages.