dtSearch Text Retrieval Engine Programmer's Reference
ICU Deployment

How to install ICU with your application

dtSearch includes a self-contained version of ICU that you can distribute with your application, subject to the External linkUnicode License. The easiest way to deploy ICU is to put these files in the same folder as the dtSearch Engine library and the icuconfig.xml file that is included with dtSearch. In the filenames below, NN is a placeholder for the ICU version number. 

Windows: install icuucNN.dll, icudtNN.dll, icuinNN.dll, and icuconfig.xml in the same folder as the dtSearch Engine dll. 

Linux: install,, and icuconfig.xml in the same folder as 

macOS: install libicuuc.NN.N.dylib, libicudata.NN.N.dylib, libicui18n.NN.N.dylib and icuconfig.xml in the same folder as libdtsearch64.dylib. 

UWP: ICU is included with UWP so only the icuconfig.xml file is needed. 

For other deployment options, see icuconfig.xml.