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dtSearch Text Retrieval Engine Programmer's Reference
dtsSearchResults::getDocInfoStrings Method
int getDocInfoStrings(int iItem, char * buf, ptrdiff_t bufSize);
int iItem
The item to generate the string from (a zero-based index into the search results list).
char * buf
Buffer to receive the generated string.
ptrdiff_t bufSize
Size of the buffer.

Size of the string set generated. If the data is larger than bufSize, the size of the buffer needed is returned, and partial data is copied to buf

Generates a null-delimited string set containing field information associated with a document.

The fields are generated from data in dtsSearchResultsItem. In C++ applications, it is more efficient to access the data directly using dtsSearchResultsItem

All built-in fields are prefixed with an underscore. Additionally, any fields in the userFields set will also be included. 


Path and filename of the document.
Name of the document, without the path.
Folder where the document is located.
If non-blank, an alternative name to display for the document (for example, the title of an HTML document).
The first 80 characters of the document.
In a natural language search, the weighted score for the document.
Number of hits found for this document.
Size of the document when indexed, in bytes.
Number of words in the document when indexed.
Modification date of the document when indexed, in local date format.
Modification date of the document when indexed, in generic date format (M03/D25/Y1997).
Created date of the document when indexed, in local date format.
Created date of the document when indexed, in generic date format (M03/D25/Y1997).
Modification time of the document in HH:MM:SS format.
The index that the document was retrieved from (an index into the list in the IndexesToSearch list in the DSearchJob).
Document id of this document in the index.
TypeId specifying the file format of the document.
File format of the document, as a string.
Path of the index that the document was retrieved from
Snippet of text showing hits in context (see ReportFlags flag dtsReportStoreInResults).