dtSearch Text Retrieval Engine Programmer's Reference
ExtractionOptionsFlags Enumeration

Flags to control the extraction of attachments and images using FileConverter (.NET, Java) or dtsFileConvertJob2 (C++).

File: dtsearch.h

enum ExtractionOptionsFlags { dtsExoExtractImages = 0x0001, dtsExoExtractAttachments = 0x0002, dtsExoDoNotConvertAttachments = 0x0004, dtsExoLimitExtensions = 0x0008, dtsExoMarkAsInternetZone = 0x0010, dtsExoUseSimpleFilenames = 0x0040 };

When highlighting hits, flags should be consistent with the behavior of the indexer or hit highlighting will be inconsistent. 

dtsExoExtractAttachments should not be used when highlighting hits because in some cases text is added to the conversion output to provide a location for the link to the extracted attachment. 

dtsExoDoNotConvertAttachments should not be used when highlighting hits because the indexer does convert attachments to text. 

dtsExoExtractImages can be used when highlighting hits.